
Crisp Morning Cardigan

Just because the days get cooler doesn’t mean you have to give up your summer style! Perfect for layering, this cardigan features a low V-neck and seeded rib edging that can be casual or dressy to suit the occasion.

Size: Finished Bust Size 32 (36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56)”

0-4″ positive ease recommended.

Shown in size 32″

Gauge: 22 sts and 30 rows = 4″ [10 cm] in St st after blocking


Fine weight yarnYarn: Malabrigo Yarn Arroyo (100% Merino; 335 yards [306 meters]/100 grams): 051 Vaa, 5 (5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7) skeins.

Needles: US size 6 (4 mm): 24″ circular and DPNs; US size 5 (3.75 mm): 32” circular

Notions: Waste yarn; stitch markers; tapestry needle; five ¾” buttons


m – marker

pm – place marker

sm – slip marker

m1R – make 1 right (using left-hand needle, pick up strand between next stitch and stitch just worked from back to front, knit into front of loop)

m1L – make 1 left (using left-hand needle, pick up strand between next stitch and stitch just worked from front to back, knit into back of loop)

k2tog – knit 2 stitches together

p2tog – purl 2 stitches together

Pattern Notes

This cardigan is worked completely seamlessly from the top-down with simultaneous set-in sleeves. The continuous collar/buttonband is picked up and knit at the end.


With larger circular needle, CO 65 (74, 85, 87, 94, 100, 107) sts.

Beginning with a RS (knit) row, work in St st for 20 (20, 24, 24, 28, 28, 28) rows.

Break yarn.

Set-up Row (RS): With RS facing and CO edge at top, pick up and k last 17 (17, 19, 19, 22, 22, 22) sts along left end of CO edge, ending at the corner, pm, pick up and k10 (10, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14) sts along side edge, pm, k across all 65 (74, 85, 87, 94, 100, 107) live sts, pm, pick up and k10 (10, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14) sts along side edge, pm, pick up and k 17 (17, 19, 19, 22, 22, 22) sts along CO edge – 119 (128, 147, 149, 166, 172, 179) sts.

Turn and purl 1 row.

Begin Sleeve Cap Increases

Row 1 (RS): *K to m, sm, k1, m1L, k to 1 st before m, m1R, k1, sm; repeat from * once, k to end – 4 sts inc’d.

Row 2 (WS): Purl.

Rep Rows 1-2, 15 (18, 20, 16, 19, 21, 22) more times – 183 (204, 231, 217, 246, 260, 271) sts.

Work even for 6 (4, 2, 8, 10, 6, 4) rows.

Begin Sleeve and Body Increases

Row 1 (RS): *K to 1 st before m, m1L, k1, sm, k1, m1R; rep from * once more, k to end – 4 sts inc’d.

Row 2 (WS): Purl.

Rep Rows 1-2, 6 (6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8) more times – 211 (232, 259, 253, 282, 296, 307) sts.

Divide Sleeves

Next Row (RS): *K to m, remove m, sl 54 (60, 66, 64, 74, 80, 84) Sleeve sts onto waste yarn, turn work and Cable CO 6 (6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) sts, pm, Cable CO 6 (6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) sts, turn work; rep from * once more, k to end – 127 (136, 151, 161, 174, 180, 187) sts.


Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2 (RS): K2, m1R, k to last 2 sts, m1L, k2 – 2 sts; 129 (138, 153, 163, 176, 182, 189) sts.

Row 3: Purl.

Row 4: Knit.

Rep Rows 1-4, 6 more times – 141 (150, 165, 175, 188, 194, 201) sts.

Rep Rows 1-2, 2 (7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18) more times – 145 (164, 185, 197, 212, 224, 237) sts.

Work even in St st until piece meas 15” from underarm CO, ending with a WS row, working a p2tog toward the middle of the last WS purl row for Sizes 36 (48, 52) only – 145 (163, 185, 197, 211, 223, 237) sts.

Begin Seeded Rib Edge

Row 1 (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.

Row 2 (WS): Purl.

Rep Rows 1-2 until ribbing meas 3”.

BO all sts purlwise on WS.


Transfer 54 (60, 66, 64, 74, 80, 84) from waste yarn onto DPNs.

Beginning in center of underarm CO, pick up and k6 (6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) sts, k across 54 (60, 66, 64, 74, 80, 84) live sts, pick up and k6 (6, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12) sts, pm, join to work in the rnd – 66 (72, 78, 82, 94, 102, 108) sts.

Knit 8 (12, 20, 12, 17, 8, 30) rnds.

Next Rnd (Dec): K2, k2tog, k to last 4 sts, ssk, k2 – 2 sts dec’d; 64 (70, 76, 80, 92, 100, 106) sts.

Work Dec Rnd every 6 (5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2) rnds until there is a total of 36 (38, 40, 40, 42, 42, 44) sts rem.

Work even until Sleeve meas 12½” from underarm, if it doesn’t already.

Next Rnd: K15, k2tog, k to end – 1 st dec’d; 35 (37, 39, 39, 41, 41, 43) sts.

Remove marker. Begin working back and forth in rows for the remainder of Sleeve.

Begin Seeded Rib Edge

Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2 (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.

Rep Rows 1-2 until ribbing meas 2½”, ending with a WS row.

Buttonhole Row (RS): K1, p1, BO 2, work in patt to end.

Next Row (WS): P to last 2 sts, turn work, Cable CO 2 sts, turn work, p to end.

Rep Rows 1-2 twice more.

BO all sts purlwise on WS.


Button Band

With smaller circular needles, beginning at bottom right-hand edge with RS facing, pick up and k124 (126, 127, 130, 137, 139, 140) sts along Right Front edge, then 31 (40, 47, 49, 50, 56, 63) sts along back neck edge, then 124 (126, 127, 130, 137, 139, 140) along left front edge – 279 (292, 301, 309, 324, 334, 343) sts.

Sizes 36 (48, 52) only

Next Row (WS): P140, p2tog, p to end – 1 st dec’d; 291 (323, 333) sts.

Next Row (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.

All Sizes

Begin Seeded Rib Band

Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2 (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.

Rep Rows 1-2 until Band meas 1”, ending with a WS row.

Buttonhole Row (RS): (K1, p1) twice, BO 2, (work in patt for 20 sts, BO 2) twice, work in patt to end.

Next Row (WS): P to first set of bound-off buttonhole sts, (turn work and Cable CO 2 sts, p20) twice, turn work and Cable CO 2 sts, p to end.

Rep Row 2, then Rows 1-2 once more.

BO all sts purlwise on WS.

Weave in all ends. Block.

Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes on button band and sleeves.

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