
Ruby Stole

Master simple short rows, twisted stitches, and basic lace by working up the Ruby Stole. Its many different elements combine to form a pear shape inspired by one of the many forms rubies take. This versatile piece can complement both your day dresses and your more upscale night attire.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: 5” x 64”, blocked.

Gauge: approx. 8 sts and 10 rows = 4” [10 cm] in pear shaped-motif stitch pattern after wet blocking.



Super fine weight Mrs. Crosby Satchel (100% Superwash Merino Wool; 370 yards [338 meters]/ 100 grams): Scarlet Ibis, 1 skein

Needles : US size 2 (2.75 mm)

Notions: Markers (4); tapestry needle


tbl – through the back loop

sk2p – slip 1 st knitwise, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over k2tog

sl 1 wyif – slip 1 with yarn in front

sl 1 wyib – slip 1 with yarn in back

ppso – pass previous stitch over

ssp – slip 2 sts as if to knit, pass both sts back to left needle, purl both sts tog tbl.

Pattern Notes

A custom pear-shaped motif inspired by ruby gemstones is used throughout this pattern. It is accomplished using a combination of short rows (no special methods like wrap and turn or German short rows are used) and easy pairings of yarn over increases with a corresponding decrease.

The chart included in this pattern illustrates how the stitches come together to form the pear- shaped motif. The rounded bottom of the motif is worked using short rows in Rows 4-12, then the top pointed end of the pear-shaped motif is created by working all the way across Rows 13-23. A video has also been provided to demonstrated how to create the motif.

Pattern updated 5/2/2018


CO 39 sts using a long tail cast on.
Rows 1-2: Sl 1 wyif, k 38.
Row 3 (WS): Sl 1 wyif, pm, (p12, pm), rep ( to )
3 times, p1, k1.
Row 4 (RS): Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, p1, k4, M1R, k1, M1L, ssk, turn.
Row 5: Sl 1 wyif, p1 tbl, p1, p1 tbl, p2tog, turn. 
Row 6: Sl 1 wyib, k1 tbl, M1R, k1, M1L, k1 tbl, ssk, turn.
Row 7: Sl 1 wyif, p2 tbl, p1, p2 tbl, p2tog, turn.
Row 8: Sl 1 wyib, k2 tbl, M1R, k1, M1L, k2 tbl, ssk, turn.
Row 9: Sl 1 wyif, p3 tbl, p1, p3 tbl, p2tog, turn.
Row 10: Sl 1 wyib, k3 tbl, M1R, k1, M1L, k3 tbl, ssk, turn.
Row 11: Sl 1 wyif, p4 tbl, p1, p4 tbl, p2tog, turn.
Row 12: Sl 1 wyib, k9 tbl, k1, p1, sm, p1, k4, M1R, k1, M1L, ssk, turn.
Rows 13-20: Rep rows 5-12.
Rows 21-27: Rep rows 5-11.
Row 28 (RS): Sl 1 wyib, k9 tbl, k1, p1, sm, k1, turn.

You have now finished the short rows section.

Row 29 (WS): Sl 1 wyif, sm, (k1, p1, p9tbl, p1, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k2.
Row 30: Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, (yo, ssk, k7 tbl, k2tog, yo, p1, sm) three times, k1.
Row 31: Sl 1 wyif, sm, (k2, p1, p7 tbl, p1, k1, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k2.
Row 32: Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, (p1, yo, ssk, k5 tbl, k2tog, yo, p2, sm) three times, k1.
Row 33: Sl 1 wyif, sm, (k3, p1, p5 tbl, p1, k2, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k2.
Row 34: Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, (p2, yo, ssk, k3 tbl, k2tog, yo, p3, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k1.
Row 35: Sl 1 wyif, sm, (k4, p1, p3 tbl, p1, k3, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k2.
Row 36: Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, (p3, yo, ssk, k1 tbl, k2tog, yo, p4, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k1.
Row 37: Sl 1 wyif, sm, (k5, p1, p1 tbl, p1, k4, sm), rep ( to ) three times, k2.
Row 38: Sl 1 wyif, p1, sm, (p4, yo, sk2p, yo, p5, sm) three times, k1.
Row 39: Sl 1 wyif, p 37, k1.

Rep Rows 4-39 to desired scarf length less approx. 21⁄4”, or until about 4 grams of yarn remain.



Rows 1-26: Rep Rows 4-29 from Scarf Body section.
Row 27 (RS): Sl 1 wyif, p1, ppso, rm, ssk, ppso, k8 tbl, turn.
Row 28 (WS): Sl 1 wyif, p6 tbl, ssp, turn. Row 29: Sl 1 wyib, k6 tbl, turn.
Row 30: Sl 1 wyif, p4 tbl, ssp, turn.
Row 31: Sl 1 wyib, k4 tbl, turn.
Row 32: Sl 1 wyif, p2 tbl, ssp, turn.
Row 33: Sl 1 wyib, k2 tbl, turn.
Row 34: Sl 1 wyif, ssp, turn.
Row 35: (Ssk, pass last st to left needle), rep ( to ) 4 times, ssk, p1, ppso, rm, ssk, ppso, k8 tbl, turn. Rows 36-43: Rep Rows 28-35.
Rows 44-50: Rep Rows 28-34.
Row 51 (RS): (Ssk, pass last st to left needle),
rep ( to ) 4 times, ssk, p1, ppso, rm, k1, ppso. Break yarn and draw tail through.

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  • Linda B.

    Hello Heidi, I’m looking for the chart diagram but I am not seeing it… is it somewhere else with a link I need to follow?

      • Mischa B.

        Just so you know, on my screen, the charts are NEVER on the right, under the photos. They are mostly in the main column under the pattern, and sometimes you have to scroll up and down or refresh the page to make them appear. It’s frustrating. But it’s even more frustrating to see you constantly telling people they’re *always* on the right, under the pictures.

        • Nicola P.

          Hi Mischa, our site recently underwent a structure change so while the charts were always on the right under the photos for a number of years, yes, this has since changed. I apologize for the confusion. – Nicola, Editor

  • I would love to get an answer to what does ‘pm’, ‘sm’ and ‘rm’. mean??? please answer

    • Tian C.

      pm = place marker
      sm = slip marker
      rm = remove marker

      I hope this helps!

  • Sandra R.

    Where is the link to the video that is mentioned in the directions????

    • Nicola P.

      Sorry about that! There was a glitch with our video player. Video is now fixed and at the bottom of the pattern. Happy knitting!

  • Kathleen

    I , like Tricia and Betty, need the missing rows 5-12. Thank you, the stole pattern is gorgeous.

    • Tian C.

      Our apologies. We’ve reached out to the designer for some help. As soon as we hear back, the information will be posted here.

  • Polly B.

    This pattern needs much more verbiage. Even for extremely professional knitters, it needs to be clearer and more explanatory!!!

  • Bonnie M.

    What is meaning of pm and sm in directions? I couldn’t find in the abbreviations section.

  • betty j.

    can you email me the missing rows5-12 I would appreciate it so much

  • Lucy M.

    Not only are rows 5-12 missing or not identified but what does sm and pm mean?

  • Mary N.

    I can see why this is a “free pattern”. Where are the directions for Rows 5-12? It is a beautiful scarf that I would love to make…with a complete pattern.

  • Ruby T.

    It would be nice if the entire pattern was presented!! Pattern stitches and short row bind off are both lacking instructions!!

  • Carla E.

    Yes, there is something wrong with this pattern. There are rows missing.

  • It’s kind of hard to “repeat Rows 4-11…when Rows 5-12 are missing from the pattern…where is the rest of the pattern?

    • Crazy Q.

      I am seeing the same problem. Would you please edit pattern, and reply to comments so we know what to do? It is a gorgeous pattern. Thanks.

    • Juliann M.

      Not all patterns give both written and charted instructions. The fault lies not with the pattern but the skill of the knitter.


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