
Frankie the Fox Onesie

Your special little one will have as much fun wearing this fox onesie as you’ll have knitting it! Simple and sparsely placed intarsia and Fair Isle create the color transitions in this dual-purpose onesie. Buttons are placed down the entire front to allow for easy on-and-off of the costume.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Size: Newborn-3 mo (6-12 mo, 18-24 mo, 4-6 yr) to fit chest width 19 (21 3/4, 23 1/2, 26 1/2)”

Gauge: 18 sts x 24 rows = 4” [10 cm] in stockinette stitch using middle needle after wet blocking



Medium weight yarn Universal Yarn Uptown Worsted (100% anti-pilling acrylic; 180 yards [165 meters]/100 grams): #324 Black (A, 1 ball, all sizes), #306 Pumpkin (B, 2 (2, 3, 3) balls), #303 Cream (C, 1 ball, all sizes)
Needles: US size 7 (4.5 mm) set of dpns, 16-24” circular, US size 5 (3.75 mm) and US size 8 (5.0 mm) set of dpns
Notions: Markers, tapestry needle, stitch holders, 6 (7, 8, 9) 1” buttons, 2 5/8” green & 2 3/8” buttons for eyes

Pattern Notes

Color changes on the tail, legs, and sleeves are achieved using the stranded or Fair Isle method. Hold a strand of each color throughout each row in these sections.
Color changes on the stomach are achieved using the intarsia method. Use a separate ball of each color for each section of color. When changing colors, bring the new color up and around the old color putting a single twist in the strands. This will prevent holes from forming in the work.
The length of this piece is easily adjusted in the body section. Add more or fewer rounds to customize fit.



With A and smallest dpns, cast on 26 (30, 28, 32) sts. PM and join to work in the rnd. 


Rnds 1-6: * K1, p1; rep from * to end. 

Main Sleeve

Switch to middle dpns. Knit 2 rnds.
Inc rnd: Kfb, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, k1. (2 sts inc’d)
Rep Inc rnd every 4 (5, 4, 5) rnds, 1 (2, 3, 4) more time(s). (30 (36, 36, 42) sts)
Using largest ndls, work Rows 1-6 of Zig Zag chart. Break A, cont in B and middle ndl only. Rep Inc rnd, then rep Inc rnd every 4 (5, 4, 5) rnds, 4 (2, 4, 3) more times. (40 (42, 46, 50) sts)
Work even in St st until piece meas  53/4 (7, 71/2, 81/4)” from cast-on edge, ending 2 (2, 2, 3) sts before m Bind off 4 (4, 4, 6) sts (removing m), place sts on holder, break yarn.

Left Leg

With A and smallest dpns, cast on 26 (30, 34, 38) sts. PM and join to work in the rnd.


Rnds 1-6: * K1, p1; rep from * to end.

Main Leg

Switch to middle dpns. Knit 2 rnds.
Inc rnd: Kfb, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, k1. (2 sts inc’d) Rep Inc rnd every 5 (5, 6, 6) rnds, 1 (2, 3, 4) more times. (30 (36, 42, 48) sts)
Using largest ndls, work Rows 1-6 of Zig Zag chart. Break A, cont in B and middle ndl only. Rep Inc rnd, then rep Inc rnd every 5 (5, 6, 6) rnds, 6 more times. (44 (50, 56, 62) sts)
Work even in St st until piece meas 8 1/4 (9 3/4, 11 1/2, 13)” from cast-on edge, ending 2 (2, 3, 4) sts bef m. Bind off 4 (4, 6, 8) sts (removing m), place sts on holder, break yarn.

Right Leg

Work as for Right Leg but do not break yarn.

Join Legs for Body

Rnd 1: Knit across Right Leg sts, knit across Left Leg sts. (80 (92 (100, 108) sts)
Knit 7 rnds.
Next rnd: Knit to last 3 sts, bind off 3. (76 (88, 96, 108) sts rem)
Work will now be done back and forth in rows.
Row 1 (RS): Knit.
Row 2 (WS): Purl. Break B.

Establish White Belly

Row 1 (RS): With C k5 (6, 7, 8), pm, work Row 1 of Right Belly chart over 6 sts, pm, with B, knit to last 11 (12, 13, 14) sts, pm, work Row 1 of Left Belly chart over 6 sts, pm, with C knit to end.
Row 2 (WS): With C purl to m, work Row 2 of Left Belly chart to m, with B purl to m, work Row 2 of Right Belly chart to m, with C purl to end.
Rows 3-10: Cont in patt.
Row 11: With C knit to second m, with B knit to next m, with C knit to end. Cont in St st as est’d with no further color shifts until piece meas 8 (91/2, 101/2, 113/4)” from leg joining, ending with RS row.
Next row (WS): P16 (19, 21, 22) Left Front sts, bind off 4 (4, 4, 6) sts for underarm, p36 (42, 46, 48) Back sts, bind off 4 (4, 4, 6) sts for underarm, purl across Right Front sts to end.

Raglan Shaping

Row 1 (RS): Knit across Right Front sts, pm, knit across Sleeve sts, pm, knit across Back sts, pm, knit across Sleeve sts, pm, knit across Left Front sts. (140 (160, 176, 184) sts)
Work 5 more rows even in St st.
Dec row (RS): * Knit to 2 sts before m, k2tog, ssk; rep from * 4 more times, knit to end. (8 sts dec’d)
Rep Dec row every RS row, 2 (3, 5, 6) more times. (116 (124, 124, 126) sts rem; 30 (30, 30, 30) sts each sleeve, 30 (34, 34, 36) back sts, 13 (15, 15, 15) sts each front)

End White Belly

Row 1 (RS): Knit to m, work Row 11 of Right Belly chart, * knit to 2 sts bef m, k2tog, ssk; rep from * 4 more times, knit to m, work Row 11 of Left Belly chart to m, knit to end. (8 sts dec’d)
Rows 2-10: Cont as est’d, working through Row 20 of charts and working a Dec row every RS row. (76 (84, 84, 86) sts rem; 20 (20, 20, 20) sts each sleeve, 20 (24, 24, 26) back sts, 8 (10, 10, 10) sts each front)
Break C, cont in B only.
Note: You will eventually have to remove the chart m. Cont to shift sts over as though it were still there.

Shape Neck

Row 1 (RS): Bind off 1 (3, 3, 3) st(s), * knit to 2 sts before m, k2tog, ssk; rep from * 4 more times, knit to end.
Row 2 (WS): Bind off 1 (3, 3, 3) st(s), purl to end.
Row 3: K1, k2tog, * knit to 2 sts bef m, k2tog, ssk; rep from * 4 more times, knit to last 3 sts, ssk, k1. (8 raglan sts dec’d, 1 st each neck dec’d)
Row 4: Purl.
Rows 5-6: Rep Rows 3-4.
Row 7: K3tog, ssk, * knit to 2 sts bef m, k2tog, ssk; rep from * 4 more times, knit to 2 sts bef m, k2tog, sssk. (38 (42, 42, 44) sts rem; 12 (12, 12, 12) sts each sleeve, 12 (16, 16, 18) sts for neck, 1 st each front)
Bind off all sts pwise over the next WS row.


With C and middle dpns, cast on 6 sts leaving 6” tail. Join to work in the rnd. Knit 1 rnd. 

Shape Tail Tip

Rnd 1: * Kfb; rep from * to end. (12 sts)
Rnds 2-3: Knit.
Rnd 4: * M1, k2; rep from * to end. (18 sts)
Rnds 5-7: Knit.
Rnd 8: * M1, k3; rep from * to end. (24 sts)
Rnds 9-12: Knit.
Rnd 13: * M1, k4; rep from * to end. (30 sts)
Rnds 14-18: Knit.
Rnd 19: * M1, k5; rep from * to end. (36 sts)
Rnd 20: Knit.
Thread cast on tail through tapestry ndl. Weave in and out of cast on sts, pull taut. Weave in end.
With largest dpns, work Rnds 1-6 of Tail chart. Break C, cont in B only using middle ndls. 

Main Tail

Work even in St st until Tail meas 51/2 (6, 61/2, 7)”. 

Shape Main Tail

Dec rnd 1: * K7, k2tog; rep from * 3 more times. (32 sts rem)
Knit 3 (5, 6, 7) rnds.
Dec rnd 2: * K6, k2tog; rep from * 3 more times. (28 sts rem)
Knit 3 (5, 6, 7) rnds.
Dec rnd 3: * K5, k2tog; rep from * 3 more times. (24 sts rem)
Knit 3 (5, 6, 7) rnds.
Dec rnd 4: * K4, k2tog; rep from * 3 more times. (20 sts rem)
Work even in St st until Tail meas 8 (91/2, 101/2, 111/2)” from cast-on edge, Bind off all sts leaving 18” tail.


With B and middle ndl, cast on 56 (62, 66, 70) sts.
Row 1 (RS): [K1, p1] 3 times, knit to last 6 sts, [p1, k1] 3 times.
Row 2 (WS): [P1, k1] 3 times, purl to last 6 sts, [k1, p1] 3 times
Rep Rows 1-2 until Hood meas 51/2 (6, 61/2, 7)”, ending with RS row.
Next row (WS): Work in patt over 28 (31, 33, 35) sts, pm, work in patt to end.

Shape Top of Hood

Row 1 (RS): Work in patt to 3 sts bef m, k2tog, k1, sl m, k1, ssk, work in patt to end. (2 sts dec’d)
Row 2 (WS): Work even in patt.
Rows 3-8: Rep Rows 1-2, 3 more times.
Row 9: Rep Row 1.
Row 10: Work in patt to 3 sts bef m, ssp, p1, sl m, p1, p2tog, work in patt to end. (2 sts dec’d)
Rows 11-12: Rep Rows 9-10, 1 more time. Fold Hood in half with RS tog. Bind off all sts using 3-ndl bind off.


Front Ear Piece (Make Two)
With C and smallest ndl, cast on 17 sts. Beg with a RS row, work in St st for 14 rows. 

Shape Top of Ear

Row 1 (RS): K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (15 sts rem)
Rows 2-4: Work in St st.
Row 5: Rep Row 1. (13 sts rem)
Row 6: Purl.
Rows 7-10: Rep Rows 5-6, 2 times. (9 sts rem)
Row 11: Rep Row 1. (7 sts rem)
Row 12: P1, p2tog, p1, ssp, p1. (5 sts rem)
Row 13: K1, sl 1-k2tog-psso, k1. (3 sts rem)
Row 14: P3tog. Fasten off last st. 

Back Ear Piece (Make Two)

With B and middle ndl, cast on 17 sts. Beg with a RS row. Work in St st for 12 rows. Break B. With A, work in St st for 2 rows. Complete remainder of Back Ear as for Front Ear. Sew Back Ear to Front Ear using mattress stitch around the entire perimeter of both pieces.


Sew crotch and underarm seams. Block pieces. Lightly fill tail with polyester stuffing. Sew bind-off edge of tail to Back centered about 2” above leg joining.


With smallest ndl, C and RS facing, pick up and knit 47 (55, 63, 72) sts evenly along Left Front opening.
Row 1 (WS): * P1, k1; rep from * to last st, p1.
Rows 2-4: Cont in k1, p1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts pwise over the next WS row.

Buttonhole Band

With smallest ndl, C and RS facing, pick up and knit 47 (55, 63, 72) sts evenly along Right Front opening.
Row 1 (WS): * P1, k1; rep from * to last st, p1.
Row 2: K1, p1, k1, * bind off 2 sts, [p1, k1] 3 times; rep from * to last 4 sts, bind off 2 sts, p1, k1. (5 (6, 7, 8) buttonholes)
Row 3 (WS): Cont in k1, p1 ribbing, casting on 2 sts over each 2-st bind off using the knitted cast on.
Row 4: Cont in k1, p1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts pwise over the next WS row.
Sew lower edge of Buttonband to body bind off. Layer Buttonhole Band over Buttonband and sew lower edge over the top of the Buttonhole Band. Sew buttons to Buttonband opposite buttonholes.


Sew cast on edge of Hood to Neck edge. Sew Ears to top of Hood. Layer a 3/8 black button on top of a 5/8” green button for each eye. Sew eyes to top of hood. Embroider a “v” to represent the nose with A using photo as a guide.
Sew buttons to Buttonband opposite buttonholes. Sew Tail to Back of outfit about 2” above leg joining.

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    • Nicola P.

      Hi! Charts appear at the bottom of each pattern for gold members who are logged in.

  • Pegin R.

    Materials lists: “Needles: US size 7 (4.5 mm) set of dpns, 16-24” circular, US size 5 (3.75 mm) and US size 8 (5.0 mm) set of dpns”. So how is it that the directions mention using smallest, middle and larger dpns? Should I have a set of 5, 7 & 8 dpns?

    • Nicola P.

      Hello! I’ve reached out to the designer for advice and she or I will reply as soon as possible. Thanks! – Nicola, Editor


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