
Tag: Twisted Double Decrease

Icy Rose Beaded Winter Hat

This lovely hat features an all-over cable pattern that is embellished with seed beads for extra glamor. The project begins with a tubular cast-on for a polished look. After joining in the round, 1×1 ribbing is worked for approximately 4 inches to create a foldable brim, then the ribbing smoothly transitions into the beaded cable pattern. A small crochet hook is used to place a bead at the center of each cable, so there is no need to pre-string any beads in advance (and the design may of course be worked without any beads as well). The cables are an adaptation of Barbara Walker’s “Coin Cables” motif, modified to be worked with twisted stitches and left-crosses. The crown shaping of the hat uses strategic decreases to continue the cabling on a smaller scale. The size of the hat can easily be modified by adjusting the number of pattern repeats in each round or by working additional vertical repeats for a longer, slouchier hat, if desired.

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