
Tag: DPNs

Ahoy May-Tee

This sweater is a lot of fun to knit! It begins by knitting the cable panel sideways, then joining the two ends together to make a ring. The lower and upper bodies are picked up and knit from either side of the cable panel. There’s a little waist shaping for a flattering fit, and once the cable band is joined, it’s completely seamless.

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Fair Isle Series: Faux Isle Cardigan

These two colors of yarn were the inspiration for this cardigan. When the designer saw them, she knew they had to be used together in a sweater. The “Faux-Isle” band on the yoke of this top-down, set-in sleeve cardigan that creates the effect of fair isle, even though you’re only ever using one color per row! This pattern is also great for using up coordinating bits of leftover yarn.

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