
The 2024 Calendar from I Like Knitting!

It’s never too early to start planning projects!

Start the new year right with new knitting tips and challenges!

Dear Knitting Friend,

Each year as the new year rolls around, I start making my list of resolutions. At the top of my fun resolutions list: knit more! Get inspiration for your new projects and keep track of special dates with our I Like Knitting 2024 Knitting Calendar. It’s packed with tips and challenges to help you keep your knitting skills sharp all year long!

Our 2024 Knitting Calendar is bright, colorful, and convenient — perfect for printing out and putting up in your favorite knitting space. Key dates are marked on each month for holidays, celebrations, and knit-specific events. Write down other dates that are special to you so you can plan your knitting projects with time to spare.

This creative 2024 Knitting Calendar is yours FREE when you become an I Like Knitting Gold Member. Sign up today!

Each month of our I Like Knitting 2024 Knitting Calendar includes a practical challenge and a creative knitting tip. Learn how to avoid losing a whole project — just in case you have to rip some of it out. Get tips on organizing and using your yarn stash. And check the calendar to find out when you can expect to see each new issue of I Like Knitting so you never miss an issue!

On top of that, we note some special dates throughout the year that knitters will want to keep an eye one. How about Worldwide Knit in Public Day? Yarn Bombing Day? Sweater Day? National Handmade Day? And keep your knitting needles handy to ward off boredom, especially during National Anti-Boredom Month!

Start off the New Year right with our I Like Knitting 2024 Knitting Calendar for inspiration all year long! Become an I Like Knitting Gold Member today!

    • Nicola P.

      Please reach out to our customer service team and they can email you the calendar PDF. – Nicola, Editor


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