
Summertime Memories: Lightweight Knits

Summer is definitely in the air!  The kids are in the pool squealing with delight, the whir of the ceiling fans and lawn mowers, and the smell of BBQ grills. What can be better than a summertime full of happy memories? Before we know it, summer will be over, the kids will be heading back to school and we will be pulling out all the cozy fall knit sweaters and warm wool socks. Don’t let those summer memories fade just yet, knit up something bright and cheerful to keep those memories of sun-kissed faces and warm summer days.

Our August 2015 issue of I Like Knitting is ready to bring you the best summer knitting projects. We worked hard to ensure that this issue has everything you need to inspire a summer of fashion trends and fun knits. From the pretty Diamond Trim Pullover to the happy Sunshine Bright Scarf, you’ll discover beautiful patterns that will challenge your knitting skills and up your summer fashion wardrobe. In addition to over 30 great patterns, don’t forget to check out the Sampled Stitches Series that features the amazing Marsala Lace Stole. You can also follow along with Ready, Set, Stitch, where Marie Segares will teach you How to Knit Bobbles.

ILK-August 2015


Grecian-Pillars-Top-300x300SUMMER KNIT FASHIONS




Stadium LapghanKNIT AFGHANS




Raspberry Sorbet DressBABY KNIT PATTERNS



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