This cozy and squishy cabled scarf is perfect for wrapping up in! Featuring a horseshoe cable panel in the center of the project and moss stitch on the edges, you’ll love the end result of this charming piece.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Sizes: Finished Measurements 7 ¾” / 19.5 cm wide and 66 ½” / 169 cm long
Gauge 26 sts and 29 rows = 4″ [10 cm] in Moss Patt; 26 sts = 3½” / 9 cm in Cable Panel.
Swans Island Natural Colors Merino Worsted (100% organic merino Wool; 250 yards [229 meters]/100 grams: Oyster, 3 skeins.
Needles: US size 6 (4 mm): straight or circular.
Notions: Cable needle; markers; tapestry needle.
1/2RC: Sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k1, k2 from cn.
3/3LC: Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in front, k3, k3 from cn.
3/3RC: Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in back, k3, k3 from cn.
beg: begin(ning)
BO: bind off
CO: cast on
cont: continue
dec(‘d): decrease(d)
est: establish(ed)
inc(‘d): increase(d)
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 sts together
m: marker
m1: (make 1) insert left needle under horizontal strand between st just worked and next st, from the front to the back, knit through the back loop
m1p: (make 1 purlwise) insert left needle under horizontal strand between st just worked and next st, from the back to the front, purl
meas: measure(s)
p: purl
p2tog: purl 2 sts together
pm: place marker
rem: remain(ing)
rep: repeat
RS: right side
ssk: (slip, slip, knit) slip 2 sts, 1 at a time, knitwise to the right needle, return sts to left needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops
st(s): stitch(es)
WS: wrong side
Special Stitches
K2, P2 Ribbing (multiple of 4 sts + 2)
Row 1 (WS): P2, *k2, p2; rep from * to end.
Row 2 (RS): K2, *p2, k2; rep from * to end.
Rep Rows 1–2 for patt.
Moss Stitch (multiple of 4 sts + 2)
Row 1 (RS): P2, *k2, p2; rep from *.
Row 2 (WS): K2, *p2, k2; rep from *.
Row 3: K2, *p2, k2; rep from *.
Row 4: P2, *k2, p2; rep from *.
Rep Rows 1–4 for patt.
Cable Panel (panel of 26 sts)
(also, see chart)
Rows 1 and 3 (RS): P2, 1/2RC, p2, k12, p2, 1/2RC, p2.
Rows 2 and 4 (WS): K2, p3, k2, p12, k2, p3, k2.
Row 5: P2, 1/2RC, p2, 3/3RC, 3/3LC, p2, 1/2RC, p2.
Rows 6 and 8: K2, p3, k2, p3, (k1, p1) twice, k1, p4, k2, p3, k2.
Rows 7 and 9: P2, 1/2RC, p2, k3, (p1, k1) twice, p1, k4, p2, 1/2RC, p2.
Row 10: Rep Row 6.
Rep Rows 1–10 for patt.
Scarf Pattern
CO 46 sts.
Set-up Ribbing (WS): P2, *k2, p2; rep from * to end.
Cont working in K2, P2 ribbing until piece meas 1½” / [4 cm] from beg, ending after a RS row.
Inc Row (WS): (P2, k2) 4 times, p1, m1p, p1, k2, *(m1p, p1) 2 times, m1p, k2; rep from * once more, p1, m1p, p1, (k2, p2) 4 times – 54 sts.
Set-up Pattern (RS): Work 14 sts in Moss St, pm, work 26 sts in Cable Panel, pm, work 14 sts in Moss St.
Cont working even as est until Rows 1–10 of Cable Panel have been completed 46 times, ending after Row 10 of Cable Panel.
Dec Row (RS): Work in Moss St as est to m, remove m, p2, k1, k2tog, p1, p2tog, (ssk) 2 times, p2, (k2tog) 2 times, p2tog, p1, k1, k2tog, p2, remove m, work in Moss st as est to end – 8 sts dec’d; 46 sts rem.
Cont working in K2, P2 Ribbing for 1½” / [4 cm].
BO all sts in patt.
Weave in ends. Block piece to measurements.
Love this scarf and once fall gets here I hope to have a couple made for myself and daughter in law.
How can I get and print the chart for the snow scarf? I have printed the pattern several times, but the chart won’t print. Hope you can help me. Thanks, Sharon Spencer
I can NOT print the chart for the Snow Scarf pattern. I have printed the pattern several times, but can’t get the chart, which I know would be very helpful. Hope you can help me!
Thanks, Sharon Spencer
Very pretty