
Suzanne Sjögren


My username on Ravelry is KnittedKharpern and my website is
Growing up in a multi-generational household of artists and textile
enthusiasts, my earliest memories were learning to sew, knit and
embroider from my great-great auntie and her friends at their weekly
sewing bees. I recall sitting on my Nana’s knee at the machine to learn to
sew, or pretending to copy my mom knitting with pencils, which resulted
in her teaching me to knit. I was hooked and I am thankful for these
wonderful women that taught me the importance of fiber. I was an
eager student and have gone on to learn and teach other things such as
weaving, spinning and lacemaking. Now I am starting out on a new
journey of knit design.
I live in Sweden with 9 year old son Biscuit and a little dog named Rex.

Projects by Suzanne Sjögren

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